Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Reading Exploration

On last last Friday (Jan 14, 2008), we had a Reading Exploration night. Through sharing and discussion, we tried to explore the subject of reading. Below is the summary of that night:

The Importance of Reading

The Difficulties we faced

The Solutions


Karen Leung said...

so are we going to have some sort of database to show what books each brother/sister have...and are willing to share with eachother?

is this the google document that Zhong had earlier?

Alice said...

Yes, Zhong's one it is! ^_^

:p haven't updated my list yet! how about u guys? hehe.

Karen Leung said...

yeah...i gotta start letting people know what i've then..i havent' compiled the list it...

this would be really good

currently, i'm reading 3 books:
1. blue like jazz
2. in the name of jesus