Thursday, September 27, 2007

Habit of Prayer

Let prayer becomes your habit. You can achieve that by first setting up a regular time and place for your daily prayer.

Regular Prayer Time: Have a regular time for prayer. Once a day (EVERYDAY), shut the world out and tune into God.

Regular Prayer Place: It can ensure a minimum of distractions. Most importantly, once you identify a place, and pray in that place regularly, it will become a holy place for you – the place where God meets with you.

“If we spend sixteen hours a day dealing with tangible things and only five minutes a day dealing with God, is it any wonder that tangible things are 200 times more real to us than God?” William R. Inge

1 comment:

Dokin said...

Thank you for your posting Alice! I think in the midst of our everyday busy life, there are times where we do in fact put these "tangible" things before God. Let us all learn to be more cautious of this and re-dedicate our devotion time to God!