Wednesday, August 1, 2007



That is the question, Brothers and Sisters. I don't know how many of you listen to Praise FM, but I recently came across an "advertisement". To me, it was more of a "REALITY-CHECK".

I don't exactly recall the entire details of this mini-story, but it goes something like this....

A woman gets pulled over by a police officer. She was upset that the police officer pulled her over because she was "cut-off" by another driver. The police officer asked to see her license and vehicle registration. She was even more upset because the officer pulled her over instead of the other driver, and is now asking to see her IDs etc. Once she provided the documents, the police officer was surprised that the vehicle belonged to her. The dialogue goes something like this...

Police: "Oh, this vehicle belongs to you ma'am."

Woman: "Of course this car belongs to me. I don't understand why you pulled me over in the first place! It was that jerk that cut me off!"

Police: "I'm sorry ma'am, but I see that you have a "WWJD" and "JESUS" sticker on the back of your car. You were cursing at the other driver, so I thought this car was stolen."

The story ends...

In summary, Brothers and Sisters.... "What would Jesus do?" I'll admit that at times, I can be very impatient and carry a "zero-tolerance" attitude dealing with slow drivers or crazy drivers. This mini-story came to me as a HUGE reality check! Although I do not have a "Jesus" sticker on the back of my car, I know that deep down as a Christian, I shouldn't be doing things like this.

Brothers and Sisters... how are you going to change your driving patterns today?


Weslie said...

Thanks for yr sharing, Dokin. Yes, it's a funny and cool Ad. ^.^

I admit that sometimes I do bad things / react in a bad way when driving... (it may not be a big deal in normal ppl's everyday life) these behaviours would affect the image of God...if I have a "christian" bumper sticker>> bad.
I'm constantly reminded (by many things, e.g. the little cross "Jesus is Lord")when driving. Actually, these bad things are cutting down when I think back.
Of course if some drivers do crazy things, I would still be scared/angry, but I'm reminded that I shouldn't do smthg bad in response to those behaviours. ..and I doubt if these drivers are followers of Christ.

CHOWMEIN said...

I love that commercial, it means so much to be a Christian. Do people see Christ in you?