Friday, June 1, 2007


These days, keep praying and asking God to help me to have more faith in Him. A verse comes to my mind – “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1

Read a book called “信心就是…” published by China Sunday School Association. A book with 110 short verses to describe Faith. Very interesting. And, I pick 9 of them to share with you guys:

(1) 信心就是不看自己,只看全能的神。

(2) 信心不是信靠信心本身, 而是信靠聖經的事實 - 基督死亡的事實, 和復活的事實。

(3) 信心就是停止憂慮,把未來交託給掌管一切的神。

(4) 信心就是相信神的恩典夠我用。

(5) 信心就是最猛烈的試煉下, 最可怕的壓力下, 你仍確信神的同在。

(6) 信心就是祈禱之後, 完全相信, 用讚美和感謝去等待神的答案。

(7) 信心就是一無憂慮,凡事藉著禱告,祈求,和感謝,把所要的告訴神。

(8) 信心就是為那些尚未成就的事情感謝神。

(9) 信心就是將郵件丟進郵箱後, 就任憑它去。真正的信心就是這樣, 把事情交給神之後, 就讓它去了,神必成全。

1 comment:

Alice said...

Personally, I like the 9th one, as it gives me a vivid picture. ^_^