Monday, February 12, 2007

How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth

[From Karen]

Hey all brothers and sisters! For those who attended AFC's Jublization event, you would know that they recommended a few books for us to read. For those who haven't, HOW TO READ THE BIBLE FOR ALL ITS WORTH (Gordon D. Fee & Douglas Stuart) is one of them. I have read the two prefaces, and part of the introduction (chapter one) to this book.

This is a very insightful and scholarly piece. When I started reading the prefaces, I immediately liked it due to the language. However, its not for everyone. The writing style is quite "academic", but yet the vocabulary is understandable. One should not try to read too much of it at one time....or else your mind would really get blogged down. The first chapter introduces the ideas of " then and there (exegesis)" and "here and now (hermeneuctics)". Haha...these latin terms are probably scaring you off already. Exegesis is the very first thing we should do with bible study: "to study the context and content of the bibical text". What was happening then? get the picture.

So far I have found this book very interesting...and worthy for my future biblical studies.
On the other hand, I wonder if this book will give reducant information to those who have beens studying the bible for many years.

take care...more to come to come as I march on into the rest of this book...

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