How come so many 騙局? and they are huge in terms of $$$!!!
is it Greed or ??
and, the 騙局會長 actually thinks he is the "最慘的受害者"
from (明報)2月6日 星期五
馬多夫世紀騙局震驚全球,在太平洋另一邊的日本,也爆出百億元投資騙案。日本警方昨拘捕已破產的保健寢具銷售公司東京「L&G K.K.」會長波和二,指他涉嫌詐騙數萬名投資者至少1260億日圓(約110億港元),有可能成為日本史上最大金額騙案。
稱穩獲36%回報 吸引主婦老人
由東京警視廳和宮城、福島兩縣警方組成的聯合專案組,昨天拘捕現年75歲會長波和二,指他有組織地從會員處騙取金錢。警方消息透露,L&G 於1987年成立,最初主要通過代理商店,銷售被褥和健康食品,2001年起以「合作金」名義籌集資金,以「只賺不賠」為口號,吸引大量主婦和老人投資。
騙局中,波和二表示投資者只要存入100萬日圓(約8.6萬港元),每3個月就可享有9%(年利率36%)的超豐厚現金回報,比馬多夫騙局聲稱的 10%回報率更高。公司同時還發行可以在該公司主辦的跳蚤市場和網絡市場,使用虛擬貨幣「圓天」,宣稱「存入10萬日圓以上的現金,投資者每年都將可收到同額的圓天」,可在指定商店用來買食品、衣服甚至是珠寶。由於投資者將現金一次存入公司後,每年都會得到相等數值的「圓天」,因此他們即使把當年的「圓天」花光了,也不會覺得自己的錢就此消失,皆因來年又會重新再有。波和二甚至妄言,這種虛擬貨幣將會在全球流通起來。
設虛擬貨幣 可用於指定商店
直到07年,資金不足的L&G公司為了續命,將現金分紅改為發放圓天,最後就連圓天分紅也中斷,結果引起當局懷疑和調查。這時騙局已演變成一宗巨額欺詐案,多達3.7萬名投資者不虞有詐「中招」,至少被騙去1260億日圓(約110億港元)。當地傳媒估計,波和二騙去的款項,最終可能高達 2260億日圓(約195億港元)。
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Name one thing we lack of last year in fellowship was communication. Not in the way that we didn't talk to each other, but in the way that thoughts and ideas were not shared enough. Thoughts on the direction of our fellowship heading, and ideas on what changes you feel like we need for the good of fellowship.
Besides email and our fellowship time, our website could be another platform to share thoughts and ideas. From now on, I will check the website daily and reply your questions.
I believe love and communication are the keys for our fellowship to grow. I really really want to hear from you so we could continue to build our fellowship together.
To me always, John Fellowship is a shelter, brothers and sisters are my support!!
posted by Wyatt at 6:41 p.m. 6 comment(s)
Category: Fellowship News
Friday, February 15, 2008
pray and donate for china's little angels stuck in the snow
EMERGENCY APPEALChina Weather Crisis - We Need Your Help
China is weathering the most severe winter in 50 years and Hunan province is one of the worst hit in a snow crisis that has gripped the country these past 3 weeks with extreme weather conditions wreaking havoc.
International China Concern's projects in Changsha and Hengyang are in survival mode as they face food, water and electricity shortages. Your help is needed to enable us to pay for a stockpile of food, to make emergency repairs, and provide additional warm clothing and bedding for the children.
The China Daily reports snow that started on January 13 has toppled 82,000 houses, damaged crops on 2.5 million hectares and frozen 609,000 heads of livestock to death. More than 3.5 million people face water shortages, there are major power shortages and 1.43 million people are stranded on highways and railways.
According to The Guardian the China Meteorological Administration has issued a red alert, the highest of its five ratings, warning central and eastern China to expect severe snow and ice storms.
International China Concern's projects, both in Hunan province, continue to suffer power and water shortages. Our international volunteers and employees have been filling and transporting water containers by hand from a farmer's well. Many employees are working 24 - 48 hour shifts as transport has come to a standstill.
Ron Burns in Hengyang writes:
'The first day it snowed it took 2 hours to walk to the centre through the snow and ice, clambering over fallen power lines. The power was off at the centre for 7 days and because the water supply is pumped by an electric pump from the well - no water either. We had a fire truck deliver water a couple of times. When the roads were too icy for traffic the Army helped out a little after we had dragged 25 litre containers from the well to the centre and were too exhausted to continue. Some of the food had to be carried in on foot and last Friday we managed to hire a small van to deliver a huge order of food from the supermarket to feed the children. The Chinese employees have been incredible, rising to the occasion and just getting on with the job.'
Due to major shortages, food prices are expected to double, the roof of the Changsha therapy building collapsed in the severe weather last week, and there's been damage to the kitchen and one of the group home roofs in Hengyang. Emergency repair work will be required in both projects as soon as the weather improves. Additional clothing, bedding and supplies have also been purchased – expenses we'd not budgeted for. It's been an incredible challenge keeping all 235 children and young adults warm and healthy as many have poor circulation and complex health issues. Your donation, no matter how big or small, will go a long way toward helping us provide all that's needed now and in the coming days.
Please help and donate today. Help us care well for the children and those caring for them.
Donations can be made quickly and securely online, or contact your national office .
posted by Karen Leung at 11:20 a.m. 0 comment(s)
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Reading Exploration
On last last Friday (Jan 14, 2008), we had a Reading Exploration night. Through sharing and discussion, we tried to explore the subject of reading. Below is the summary of that night:
posted by Alice at 9:52 p.m. 3 comment(s)
Chocolate Love Night
February 8, 2008 (Friday)
Time: 8:00pm - 10:00pm
There will be chocolate tasting, coffee sipping, self analysing and words exchanging on love, dating and marriage:
- How do we choose our boyfriend or girlfriend
- How do we date someone without hurting others
- How do we treat separation
- How do we view marriage
- How much do we know about ourselves
Bring your own cup and saucer, if you want to personalize it! (free admission)
posted by Alice at 9:23 p.m. 0 comment(s)
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
John Fellowship Book Club
View the spreadsheet here. Happy reading! :)
posted by 阿中 at 12:51 p.m. 0 comment(s)
Category: Fellowship News, Readings
Saturday, January 12, 2008
張敬軒 「遇見神」
wanna share this song w/ all of you. good lyrics. ^_~
posted by Similu at 2:30 p.m. 1 comment(s)
Thursday, January 10, 2008
阿中, you ROCK!
Found this image on MSN... reminded me of 阿中! YEAH MAN!! =P (by Dokin)
hey, Dokin, COOL JOB! :p Alpha, gave u another one... u only need one more now! (by Alice)
posted by Dokin at 6:14 p.m. 2 comment(s)
Category: Sharing
Into the centre
From Karen:
Due to Friday nights commitments to Awana, I have not attended regular Friday night fellowship meetings since September. Last Friday night, Awana has not started yet for the new year. During dinner, I struggled inside whether to attend the meeting or not. My struggles was based on my sentiments of being too tired. Moreover, I was afraid that a critiquing voice would be going on and on as I listen to John's big plans for the year.
I ended up attending the fellowship meeting. I was glad I went. Being amongst brothers and sisters, whom I've known over two or more years, was very comforting. This was the case despite I did not talk that much with anyone. This year's theme for John is CIRCLE. This somehow bring back memories of kindergarten or grade school. The teacher always in a long dress would stand in the middle of circle. All of the little children would surround her in a perfect circle. We would listen tentiatively as she give us instructions on what to do next. Or we would play duck duck goose.
We sat in a semi-circle last week...haha....If I am to be metaphoric, perhaps some of us were further to the centre while some were closer. In a perfect circle, we would all be of equal distance to the centre. At our circle, there stands Christ, our Teacher. As we grow together in Christ, we get closer and closer to Him. If we are to grow, there's always more space to fit one more person in. Each person would have to sit closer together. There would be less personal space for each of us. Yet, it would be a more circle with stronger walls. There would be less chance of the devilish winds blowing into the centre and claiming Our flame.
By the way, I hated being picked goose when I was kid. I was never a fast runner. In this life, we would often feel like an outsider. A goose among ducks. You might feel threanted at work. You might feel no one understands your worries. You might feel like you're sticking out like a sore thumb among able digits. Well, Christ could not even move His hands on the cross. I hope the John circle will help you fight against the thorns of life.
posted by 阿中 at 1:06 p.m. 0 comment(s)
Category: Sharing
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Year 2008 Theme – CIRCLE
Connect - build relationship with new friends
Involve – brothers and sisters more involved in John
Recruit – bring more non-Christians to John
Content – more biblical and relevant content for our program
Learn - brothers and sisters more learning from within
Equip - equip new believers
posted by Alice at 3:35 p.m. 0 comment(s)